The truth about losing body fat is you can eat whatever you want.
However, in my experience the practical application is the opposite.
Every fitness guru will shout about how you can eat all your favourite treats and anything else whatever you want as long as you are in a calorie deficit.
And this is true…
But what they don’t tell you is when you are dieting to very low body fat levels, where the body starts fighting you, your hunger starts to ramp up.
This makes it far more difficult to stick to your calorie deficit.
So if you have iron will power or hunger doesn’t effect you, then that’s great!
But like myself and most people who try to get very lean, you will probably start selecting foods that reduce your hunger for the same amount of calories.
This means more fibrous vegetables, complex and non-processed carbs and lean protein sources.
These foods keep you feeling full and take away the hunger, making it easier to stick to your diet.
In summary there is no good or bad food for losing fat, but there are some foods that make eating lower calories easier.
If you want to learn how to burn body fat and sustain it for good, I can teach you all the strategies I use for myself and my clients to get into shape time and time again,